
2013年12月19日 星期四


兩個從名古屋上來的台灣交換學生小屁孩!一個是娘砲一個是T.....(我對T沒任何意見,但就是這個人的行為接下來讓我不爽)自己來住飯店沒做功課連地圖也不會看,還一邊打電話一邊確認我們飯店位置,浪費我們許多時間跟他指點迷津,還要等他抵達早已經超過10點半,一到大廳我看到那個T結屎面比大便還臭,問她哪裡人嘴巴跟蚌殼一樣死不講是哪裡人,最後,娘砲用日文回答,我說我不懂日文,一問之下才知道是台灣人~更!靠北!早點說啊是不會講話嘛?是啞巴嘛? ~對老外就肯開口講話,明顯的種族歧視,去你xx的~


我:小姐(那個T)可以請你不用擺臉色給我們看嘛?(→_→) 你有事嘛?



基本的禮貌都沒有,我本來是很ok的,但一到跟她要護照號碼那一part她的態度讓我火起來!態度很不好的說沒有!當下我很想嚇她說沒護照是吧?非法入境喔!那我請警察來處理,沒帶護照跟在留卡是要被罰十萬日幣的,但,我選擇幹醮自己為什麼要從事這個行業受妳客人的機車鳥氣.....我看來還是要多修煉 (ˇˍˇ) 

2013年11月18日 星期一




我的過敏性鼻炎又犯毛病了,前幾天無意中發現自己的鼻腔內紅腫,今天,會社的阿姨帶著我來這家很有名的耳鼻喉科看診,果然一堆人來求診@@ 要排隊好久啊! 等候的空檔,看到他們也有人幫耳疾患者做助聽器,助聽器要好用服貼就必須要親自採用自己的耳道模型量身訂製,真的是體貼病患的做法,當然,也有其他助聽器供患者選擇。


叫號到我時上診檯,最討厭被人看鼻孔 @@ 檢查完有紅腫現象,用呼吸器治療就一根管子塞在鼻孔裡像是吸毒鬼樣捧著管子,跟台灣的呼吸治療不一樣,結束後拿了藥付了錢就準備去業務用超市採購米,食物,又是戴一堆菜回家!


2013年11月16日 星期六

赤坂見附 Akasaka-mitsuke New Otani Hotel for our co-worker Bday

今天慶祝同事的生日,所以一行人到了赤坂見附New Otani hotel 17F The Sky

we go to New Otani hotel to celebrating colleague's birthday today, at Akasaka New Otani hotel 17F The Sky restaurant

走進這環狀的餐廳,就定位之後大家各自放下物品去餐台取餐.....正在用餐的當下才知道原來這是旋轉餐廳!!!@@ 結果....有一個弱雞馬上就感到暈車要求要馬上下車換位置.....((((倒)))) 高村弱雞說:他差點要在當場吐了>< 他有暈車的習慣.....來台灣時搭計程車他一定要吃暈車藥(((((攤手...我也沒辦法)))))

Went into this restaurant, after everyone sit in positioning on theirs table and go got food ready to eat the moment..... I realized that this revolving restaurant! ! ! @ @ soooo.... there is a weak one immediately felt carsick required to to get off ..... Bobby san: I almost threw up at the table > < ooh, yes, he can't join this kind off things he's easy to get carsick... when he came to Taiwan to take a taxi before need to eat some sickness pills (((((I have no idea why)))))

後來,換了位置之後才知道我們只有一小時的時間可以用餐....不過,對我來講沒差別!我兩盤就吃飽了 LOL 我看到其他成員一直很忙的吃跟拿,我也只好坐在不能旋轉的位置上剔牙...

Later, after we change the table then to know we only have one hour left.... for me is no difference! I only eat two dish then I'm full, to see my co-works are very busy to take care theirs food LOL



可愛的小粉紅 Bobby san 跟小藍~ Takashi gun

高村小粉紅:癟嘴~賭氣不穿了!換黑褲子 哼
就這樣高村小粉紅今天水噹噹要去娶新娘 LOL 哦~不是穿的趴哩趴哩去參加生日趴踢啦!比我還愛美唷~

this morning Bobby san asked me….

Pinky: white pants with white shirt it's okay?
Me: are you going to be the groom Today?
Pinky: puckered mouth~~don't want to wear it! I change to black pants!! hum
Me: hey, I'm not finished yet? ! You can change the pink shirt ne! !
Pink: sparkling eyes! this is good?
Me: Very Attractive yo! かっこいい ka kko i ne ~~

so that little Pinky very happy to attend birthday ne! LOL

2013年11月11日 星期一

奶奶的頭/Nipples LOL

I must share this~~~ it's was sooo hilarious!

今天收工之後,高村桑準備給我獎勵要幫我按摩,因為我青椒鑲肉做的大成功!按著按著,突然他發現我左邊有一顆瘤,快把他嚇死…o_O || 驚!他說要我儘快去檢查,我也不知道哪家醫院可以去,就說沒關係等回台灣的時候再處理,嗯!應該是這樣了!(ˇˍˇ) 

然後,他又抱著莎小寶這裡摸摸那裏按按的,突然他說哈呢你最好來一下聲音很緊張,我從廚房走到辦公室,我問他什麼事~他說莎小寶身上也有一個瘤ㄟ~然後我看著他的手勢是停在莎小寶的乳頭那邊......我說那是她的nipple/奶奶的頭好嗎?他小眼睛突然睜大了起來一臉驚訝的(⊙ˍ⊙) 睜大眼說: she have nipple? 媽呀!然後他自己也很驚訝的大笑了起來...... (⊙ˍ⊙) 媽呀!高村桑你可以再白痴一點 LOL

after when we finished work today, Bobby san ready to give me a massage to reward me the nice dish that I was made tonight! suddenly he found a tumor on my left back, he got scared to death...o_O || he want me as soon as possible go to a hospital to check up, I don't know which hospital can go to? okay, anyway. when I back to Taiwan will do the check up, anyway! (ˇˍˇ) 

then He holding Isabella try to found some thing kinda busy to check up her body, and suddenly he said, honey, you'd better come here and he sounds very nervous, I walked from the kitchen to the office, I asked him what happened? he said he found isabella's body is also a tumor there ~~~~ Then I looked at bobby's hand was stopped by the side on isabella near the nipple area…… I said to Bobby: that's her nipple okay? then His little eyes suddenly widened open astonished to said: she have nipples (⊙ˍ⊙) ? …….Then he got very surprised and laughed hard ...... (⊙ˍ⊙) OMG! Bobby san you can be more idiot then LOL

2013年11月10日 星期日


今天下午,跟住在三ノ輪(ノ不唸撇是唸之)附近的北京同學班英(一起上日文課)相約見面一下,我特愛跟班英同志聊天的,講話就不知不覺的捲舌起來了 lol 一開始我聽到她那標準的京片子,我就感到她人特有趣直爽的,雖然,剛開始我蠻擔心中國對台灣的觀點......大家對政治沒啥意見就是了也不是屬於激進派的......顯然是俺多心了,就這樣慢慢的在課堂上才開始聊天兒。

她跟我一樣都是閒閒美黛子,日文行不通,老公在日本東方航空辦事處工作,班英要照顧上高中的兒子所以才來日本一起照顧生活起居,兩個閒閒美黛子講著說著都還是自己的家鄉好 ><

她在這兒沒上班也挺悶著慌~常常就到三ノ輪附近愰悠愰悠的東瞧瞧這個店西瞅瞅那個鋪兒,竟也給她找出一些好店,聊完天兒我們就一起去探探她講的那些點,ㄟ 這下我可樂活啦,又有地方可以去買啦! 我說小班班您的日文可得要再加強啊!不然按照您發掘店家的潛力不就可惜了不?


唉唷~跟班英聊天可真愉快呢!我捲舌該回來了!挺酸的 @@


2013年11月5日 星期二



但是那個發酵應該是還要再等久一點 ><

唯一美中不足的是,蛋汁我弄一個太多了 >"< 

明天要烤丹麥奶酥餅乾!買不到銀寶奶油傷腦筋 @@

2013年10月21日 星期一

Dinner time




2013年10月7日 星期一

Isabella 病院檢查

這些日子以來,我發現莎小寶的體重有減輕的跡象,經過昨晚的討論要帶莎小寶去獸醫院檢查,今天,我很早就清醒了,想說快點帶著她去接受檢查,騎著腳踏車不到五分鐘就抵達了醫院,一進入大門,齁齁~我的媽!味道超級醒腦的@@但我沒有別的選擇只能選擇離家近的獸醫院,雖然,我很想找只有看貓咪的動物醫院,但日文看不懂也就算了,等了約20分鐘,獸醫師要我出示Isabella的相關文件,我把Isabella的文件與我的文件一起放在同一個檔案夾,結果醫生有點小念念說:應該分開放文件! 噗~好嚴格喔!但基本上女獸醫對病患及家屬很友善、溫柔,但對自己的員工超級凶悍....(⊙ˍ⊙) 睜大眼當場我有點嚇到....

These days, I found Isabella's body weight seems too light, after last night's we discussion take her to go Veterinary Hospital, so I was wake up very early in this morning, I wanna to hurry up take her go checks, riding a bicycle in less than five minutes to reach the hospital, an entry the door, hoho, my dear! Smelly like..... @@ but I had no choice only I can choose is the near by my home, though, I am try to looking for cat animal hospital, but sorry for my problem with bad Japanese, so we waiting about 20 minutes, then the veterinarian need to see the documents about Isabella, I put my documents and Isabella's files together in one folder, doctors kinda a little Nagging : It should be one file only for her not mix some others! Poof ~ so stringent, But basically the veterinarian for patients and their families are very friendly and gentle, but for her own employees kinda super aggressive....(⊙ˍ⊙)  I'm a little bit scared of....

說明擔心的原因之後,獸醫決定抽血檢查Isabella的生理指數是否正常,當給Isabella帶上伊莉莎白項圈之後,莎小寶就開始毛毛蟲扭動,不肯安份的量肛溫 XDDD 剛溫蛤~那裡是她的禁地,身體溫度指數正常,莎小寶非常不爽的大叫幾聲後,接下來要抽血管,第一次我看到醫生抽血管是由下巴的脖子部分進行,我看到快嚇死(⊙ˍ⊙) 當然莎小寶還是扭來扭去,當我用力抓緊她時,獸醫說我太用力了>< 應該是我太緊張了~後來教了我訣竅之後,接下來莎小寶一共被戳了三個洞 T-T 心疼的要命唷;接下來就是等20分鐘的驗血報告了....

we try to explaining what we worry about it, the vet wanna take Isabella blood tests to know her physiological indices are normal, when we put Elizabeth collar on her neck, Isabella began writhing caterpillars, refused to take her rectal temperature XDDD her butt is can't touchable~ but the temperature is normal, isabella are very uncomfortable large to meowing, then next to do is blood tests, is the first time I saw the vet is pumping blood from the chin under the neck part, I'm so scare of to see that, (⊙ˍ⊙) Isabella still wriggling, when I held tight to her, the vet said that I was too hard >< may be I was too nervous, so vet to teach me a trick how to held isabella~ Later, next she total poked three holes on Isabella T-T my heart feel so terribly distressed for my baby; after we wait for another 20 minutes for the blood test reports.....

報告出爐了,獸醫要請我們上二樓診間跟我們解釋,馬的~我超級害怕的 >< 這麼慎重其事好像是要宣布大事情一樣! 結果,獸醫跟我們上了一堂生化課,還畫圖示意給我們看真的是太貼心了!後來,確認她的生理狀態都是在正常標準範圍內,我們總算是放下心中一顆大石頭,結論是------>我們太寵Isabella了!與搬家移民也有關係/更換環境的壓力使然!醫生說我們給莎小寶吃太好~吃到最後挑嘴的毛病犯了,現在變成挑嘴莎 (ˇˍˇ) .......她硬是要我給她(→_→) sheba的乾糧......明明碗裡就有渴望乾糧,她是找到方法對付她老木了,就是坐在碗旁邊不動....很快的我就妥協了~LOL

report is on the road, the vet to ask we need get up the second floor the clinic room to explained to us, I'm super scared for this>< it's like have to announce a big news~ the results, vet gave us a lesson in biochemistry class, >< but also to give us a schematic drawing to let us understand, that is so so sweet! Then, we all make sure Isabella she is in the normal physiological state standard range, we finally released, the conclusion is ------> we spoil Isabella too much also we move to other country / replacing environmental pressure dictates! The vet saids we give isabella food too good, so Isabella are picky what she eating ~she become picky Isabella (ˇˍˇ)……. she insisted that I give to her (→_→)sheba...... obviously the Orijen food still in her bowl, Isabella's found a way to deal with her Mom now, she's hold still next the bowl never move….. soon I surrender~LOL

okay~ finally know at least not cause physical discomfort! I'll to find a way to correct her picky food problems ~ Anyway, the vet says~ thin even less problems than fat! so right ne!


she so pissed of ><



2013年9月25日 星期三

莎小寶All PASS-東京移民記

看到這麼多毛孩子的父母熱情回應~真的讓我有很大的動力寫完這篇 "莎小寶All PASS-東京移民記" 拖了將近半年才寫完~真的是汗顏阿><



A story with my Isabella

看到這麼多毛孩子的家長熱情分享~我很想說聲:愛她/他就不能棄養!無論搬家、出國、離婚、寡婦鰥夫、生孩子.....這些都不是棄養的理由!!很多年前我養的米克思大狗狗 嘟嘟養了16年他最後走了,讓我痛不欲生,不敢再養毛孩子將近四年....

當時我要認養蘇蘇/Isabella/別名:莎寶/伊醬醬/莎小寶的時候,是我人生最低潮時期!高村桑(我先生)鼓勵我去認養,所以在網路上看到  Lish Mau  貼出蘇蘇/莎小寶的認養訊息,在眾多的認養評比之下,蘇蘇最後來到我的家成為我的寶貝!因為有了她在我身邊,幫助我在人生最低潮時期中重新站起來--->親人的生離死別以及其他重大事件打擊下,一度,我活著只是呼吸著空氣,身體像是沒有靈魂般惶惶度日!有了莎小寶陪伴在我身邊一切都不同,我哭我笑我氣我瘋,她都陪著我,有時夜裡我一個人哭著很傷心,她害怕的睜著她圓圓的大眼睛趕緊到我身邊喵兩聲又舔舔我的手,在我身邊坐下靜靜聽我哭‧‧‧‧‧




呼籲大家:請以領養代替購買 愛她/他就不要棄養!你就是她們的全部~

謝謝大家的熱心轉載~有機會我再多分享莎小寶的近況~飯店業本身比較忙…所以莎小寶的訊息有時會中斷一下下!不過歡迎大家到東京來看我們唷~ 我們的飯店網址是

達美航空訂購機票/ 出入海關SOP---文末有達美航空的聯繫方式
我是打008國際免付費電話詢問,後來他們系統跑不出來價錢請我再打一次,其實,也可以打台北辦公室的電話定機票,訂購的時候要跟他們講明要攜帶寵物隨身上客艙。對方會要求你提供寵物的資訊品種、重量(5公斤上下)、年齡、尺寸,一架班次的飛機只能有四隻寵物 所以能盡早定機票就早定,喔~客服小姐還告訴我有些航班是沒辦法帶寵物的所以要先告知。

因為莎小寶是要跟著我進入客艙,所以,我必須要買軟式提袋達美航空官方網站的資訊是要這樣的尺寸貓提袋 長13英吋 33cm  寬15英吋 38cm  高7.5英吋 19cm……我在台灣為了這個袋子花了一個星期,還打到美國總公司客服詢問是否一定要一模一樣的軟式的袋子?因為亞洲客服說我一定要找到才能定機票,但哪有可能找到一模一樣的啊?我跟高村桑說了我的困擾之後,他有點不可置信的打電話到達美航空美國客服用他流利的英文說明我們目前的狀況,美國客服很快的就說會規定尺寸是怕動物保護團體抗議貓咪待的空間太狹小有虐貓之嫌,所以,才會制定尺寸以及寵物的公斤數大小在袋中是否會不舒服,也提到我找到的袋子尺寸只差兩公分的結論跟說他們的亞洲客服堅持不讓我過關,後來,美國的客服問了高村桑關鍵的一點說:只要是袋子是軟包不會讓寵物感到很難受就可以!噗~真是讓我放下煩惱的大石頭,我還差點自己要做一個皮包給我的寶貝呢~

後來證明,我的提袋在機場的櫃檯人員根本不會太在意這件事!付了莎小寶的美金200機票錢之後~我們就開心的Check-in了!一路上莎小寶頭探出來睜著圓圓的大眼睛東張西望,從入關的警察杯杯、海關、還特地要求不過X光機海關的阿姨都開心的說有貓咪ㄟ,到等候區時乘客看到她就拿手機相機拍照,進機艙時我是排有特殊需求等同老人嬰兒先入艙,一進機艙達美空服員開心的說:Hello kitty! =^.^= 真是讓我們感到好親切跟貼心啊!連坐在我旁邊的乘客也拍照說要給他女友看呢!

一切就定位之後,我暫時的先抱著莎小寶,等飛機起飛後先讓她暫時委屈的在我的腳下的空間待一下下,等解除安全帶訊號燈亮時我馬上就把寶貝抱起來,讓她看看外面的天空以及軟的像棉花糖的雲朵,也幫她按摩耳朵並且讓她叫兩聲才不會耳朵痛痛 >< 我自己想像的啦~不過,莎小寶真的超乖的一路上不吵不鬧也不撇條撇尿~我有在提袋中鋪了吸水墊就是以防萬一,無奈,大小姐她忍功很厲害,沒讓阿木在飛機上出糗就是了,真是個乖寶~~


目前達美台灣地區暫無任何售票處接待親臨客戶。如欲查詢任何有關機票或旅遊詳情,請致電達美台灣地區服務熱線: 0080-665-1982 提供一天24小時,一週7天的英語 / 國語客服

1. 機票要先確定!至少兩個月以前要把機票確認!
3. 寵物必須要在台灣住滿六個月以上!
4. 要驅蟲體內/體外都要(我是在出國前七天跟醫生要驅蟲藥以及帶莎小寶去美容院洗澡) 
5. 要求獸醫打15碼的ISO(11784/11785)規格晶片
6. 輸出犬貓免疫注射證明書費用!獸醫收我1000台幣(有四張要請獸醫簽名蓋章)
7. 拿到日本動檢局的Notification 號碼之後開始下列行動

Step 1 
1. 去寵物醫院(要農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局核可的)注射狂犬病預防針(一年以內有效)及15碼晶片,莎小寶已經都打過~但為了安全起見還是先去找小徐醫生再檢查一遍至少出國前一個月,要請獸醫師填單~

Google 網路硬碟下載示範與空白表單

2. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局 0800-039-131 打電話詢問依照居住所的行政區,幫你安排就近的檢疫站,因為我是住在信義區,所以被安排到台北檢疫站 227387868羅斯福路四段113巷19號 陳先生 8-12點 1:30-5點。 他們人都超親切的~

1. 愛貓/犬/受檢體
2. 犬貓免疫注射證明書(要有半年以上效期喔)
3. 機票
4. 有效護照
5. 所有表格 A.B. form、輸出犬貓免疫注射證明書、日本動檢局 Certificate form、

檢查完會有兩張犬貓免疫注射證明書 一張中文/一張英文,因為莎小寶是要直接進客艙,所以,動植物防疫檢疫所的人員沒跟我收費!進貨倉的會按照總重公斤數收費!


注意!要在你抵達當地四十天以前提交你的通知申請書Notification form)給日本的動物檢驗局,當你所有資料被齊寫信給對方後,很快速的他們會與你聯絡給你一組證號就要接下來填寫台灣國內動檢局的資料,莎小寶的娘趕在在四十天前期限的那一天送交資料,但對方打電話給高村桑說我資料裡面有誤必須要更新,我當時人又在外面上課訊號收不到,把高村桑急的差點買機票過來找人,最後,下課後我看到有多通的電話未接,趕緊打回日本的家,高村桑說要我趕快回家把資料修改再傳給東京的動檢局,他們工作人員都到很晚才下班,跟高村桑約定了一個時間之後,把事情處理完趕緊的回到家裡改資料~呼!真的是一個好險~不然機票定了又因為證號的問題下不來的話那就好笑了,等於要重頭來一遍~

裡面提到,在出發日期40天以前,必須要發出一份通知文件(Notification form)給日本的動檢所

寵物出國輕鬆帶之33 - 帶狗貓去日本 也有其他國家的分享




希望大家都可以順利的帶著寶貝們出國喔! :)  謝謝大家的厚愛!獻上莎小寶粉紅肉蹼印一枚~

2013年8月25日 星期日




My Hans....

Oh, My Hans, he is come to me again......

This British lady living in Australia chatted me with her tears suddenly to told me her husband it's came...... Oh my god O

As always, we are work at 3PM, This Thursday afternoon we do received other hotel phone call, they asked do we have a available room? Our response is to say, The customers must be come theirs own, but we all know that it should be another hotel reject case that way they referral to here, hung up the phone then start busy ready to work with other matters. About 3 hours later, we saw a police car parked in front of our hotel, then, an old lady to go off the police car, police car drove away without looking at it, this old lady when she opened our hotel door, her strong smell of her sweaty or ??? we try to stop breathing but we can't keep longer anymore, Yumi chan so lucky quickly to put on a mask, I and bobby san can't run, so, we have to face it.

This Australian old lady has a thick British accent, she's constantly to complaining the weather so hot and AUD exchange rate how low in the Japanese Bank, I looked at her obviously she is really exhausted, faltering the dragging suitcases seeing is about not drag and ready to fail, I'm quickly to help her to drag her luggage to get in, this old lady with a very very slow tone to saying she wants a room to stay for 5 night, I knew she had a problem Immediately, she with a thick British accent slowly to said what happened first thing with other hotel, she did not want to stay an appointment directly, that restaurant probably looked after her condition, told her that currently there is only one chamber and is upstairs through, you would think, for a 68-year-old lady who has a bad knees how did she to climb through on the second floor? thats impossible, then the old lady said that she can sleep at hotel ground floor, they are not agree with her this crazy idea, to send her away to ask her to find another hotel.....

yep, that is why Margaret's come to our hotel the reasons, of course, the other reason is that she has a slightly dementia problem plus strong smell of sweat, that's why the other hotel refused her reasons, Bobby san in the beginning kinda don't want to take this old lady in, he's constantly to asking her some irrelevant questions, I probably know he was trying to deny but don't know how to deal with, I'm behind Bobby san to poke him few times, I want Bobby san not to rush her, no matter where she go will be reject anyway....Because I could not bear to see her in this hot weather and poor health still need to find some hotels
so that..... we take her in.......

When I saw Margaret took a purse from her with a bunch of disorganized AUD JPY, I began to beat my  forehead, Oh! My God! How could anyone like her to misplacing money! Watching her slowly to count the numbers for the Japanese yen and ready to pay money for the room, I thought: how did She's pass through these few days? when she received some money into her purse while she do keep to complaining about exchange rate is very bad in Japan, I found also there is a small gallipot she's not take back, I asked to her what kind of drugs she to using now? because Margaret's had dementia symptoms I want to remind her to take medication regularly, then results is....... she used specific the slowly voice to replied: oh~ this bottle is I put my Hans ash ...... (⊙ˍ⊙) hmmmmm…..what? ohhhhh ~ My God! ! ! ! I may almost throw out with the bottle..... but I am still very calm returned to her ..... I'm thinking holy crap! ! ! I slept for two days how explosive slept unsaturated o_O ||! also been a lots of strange dream (@~@) Bobby san are so worried about my unusual sleep, because i always get up early than him...

when she knew I have a cat then, the moment she atheism and tired eyes become very directly energized~ like a child to saying: I can see your baby daughter cat? I said: of course! I hold Isabella out of my room, Margaret's are happy like a little girl and directly toward her kiss kiss to Isabella, and, disconcertingly, usually it is my very difficult to deal with baby cat do Allow strangers to kiss her Lol I think isa must have been a special taste Marguerite overawed ~ take Marguerite to the room, give to her a  glass of water and push her go take a bath, the way I helped her is for take out her nearly wearing one week the clothes thrown into my washing machine to wash, after  showered she did not eat dinner go sleeps again! I can see she is very tired - I put a KFC chicken in her room, so she got hungry can find something to eat. begin ready to closing the finishing work, after the two of us in our room we do discussing this case about Margaret! Bobby san said: If not because I poked him a few times, he really want to send her to some place, he really would like to introduce her to the other Hotel. I said: Everyone will be old, some how can't inconvenient all the time! Marguerite are very tired and look so badly..... I can not stand it to see you sent her away!  as long as she'll be clean will no problem! But! I think too naive ~ next to look how I'm to deal with the difficulties and the hard temper old lady LOL

Actually, Margaret's this time came to japan is to help her partner Mr. Hans to complete he's wishes, to sprinkled his ashes in Osaka Kyoto and other places, since the beginning of World War II, Mr. Hans is an orphan, is a Japanese family adoption and train him the spirit of Bushido, to put him in a box for 24 hour to overcome fears, furthermore, Margaret's would also like to meet her Japanese pen pal friend, over fifty years ago she has a Japanese pen pal, because of the war in Japan after the earthquake she's completely lost connection with her pen pal, in short, So, when Margaret complete sprinkle ashes in Osaka Kyoto, she try to get some hotel in-stay, but because she did not make any appointment, also summer break season and Fireworks season so the most hotel rooms was all full, she's kinda disappointed what happened to her so  be train station, unfortunately, some police stepped by and do ask something, so she take the police car back to the police office, then, she vaguely to heard the police said that will like to sent back to the airport to return her country directly, if foreign tourists in Japan If you do not have an address to stay in the hotel, when the police to get you then in such a situation is need to be sent back to the airport directly, when Margaret's knew this news after she said to the police man: If you send me back to the airport I'll commit suicide died in front of police
(。_。) ahhhh~ she is really a stubborn old lady

So, when Margaret's was return back to train station is already close to midnight, she sitting in front of the train station looks helpless to crying, there is a Japanese family came to her and understanding the situation Margaret's has, so, Margaret's have a place to sleep! speak to here Margaret's cry again, she said: I would never thought there will be good people willing to take of her. the next morning she goodbye with the Japanese family after she took the bus come to Tokyo, the next thing is my good to me to headache enough LOL

I took care of Margaret's it's like my dear God to sent an angel try to training my patiences, but my patiences wasn't good enough for her..... Margaret's always said: I'm very independent person no need to take care within, but in fact, she's really needed someone to look after her indeed, because she needs to eat mild dementia and depression pills, sometimes are often to forget how to go back to hotel, like the next day she need to exchange AUD, so we told her the direction of the bank, the results..... she really got lost again.... it took her long time before she find the way back to her hotel...... then I cook her dinner, because I told her need to eat something then she can got some energy be able to walk! Margaret's likes to eat when someone next and to chat with her, though, Margaret's saying she could not eat the food what I made for her, but while she was eating also telling a story, in short, she's like a child, like someone to be accompany! After she finished meals, she said: physically my energy it's back! But I'm tired need to slept a little bit.... she went take a nap.

The next few days, seriously.... Margaret's she always have some thing happened, one day she went out go to the 100yen shop..... she lost again..... she went to police station to seek for some help, the police asking her passports for six times and asked her where she's live hotel? Suddenly her brain back to normal to said she live our hotel, and to showed police our hotel website paper, so the police man called to hotel want to verify if she is our guest? ! When we say yes, she is our guests. the police let Margaret's come back here..... lol here we no have any meaning to discrimination or against the old people, however, Margaret's have slightly dementia also have "age smelly" that's the plus one, No matter she's daily taken a bath still have bad smelly never go away~ latter she told me that she like to ate raw food, especially like to eat raw fish and vegetables...... every time, when she's walk back outside with the hot Weather to set in the hotel lobby, our hotel guests will be gone quickly... mostly they can not stand with Margaret's smelled ◎_◎

Once she came back from Ueno area, Margaret's when to Ameyoko cho to buy frozen salmon..... ready go to Ueno Park to feed the street cat, in this hot weather even frozen foods will melt too quickly deteriorated, so she take a salmon bag have salmon picnic over there also eaten raw salmon four pieces o_O || !when she returned to our hotel..... when the door is opened ..... ..... the fish smell plus her sweat's like super good smelly..... don't even think too much! guests all gone quickly too....I immediately told Margaret's: That fish has been corrupted, you can not cook can not eat at the hotel, must be disposed of it now! in this moment~ Margaret's she was very angry with me to say why I do this to her? I really don't know how to explain with her, I said: Not everyone can stand with this fishy smelly, you do disturb guests to my hotel guests here! I have to be very honest and told her with a stern tone this is not acceptable to do it, she even said wanna give to my baby cat isabella..... I told Margaret's: Isabella's today eat sashimi already very full! Thank you for your kindness! In this way, despite her protests took that smelly fish bag wrapped with several layers of plastic throw in the trash can!

Finally to the Tuesday morning she's ready to go to the airport and to check out hotel, when Yumi chan come to work in the morning at 6:30 and found the lobby pull the curtain has been opened, Margaret's already inside to look read newspaper, when 9:00AM suddenly Margaret's told Yumi chan to said: ohhh, I really want to sleep~ can I lie down and sleep in the lobby?  Yumi chan a quickly said: no! No! Other guests will mind! Unexpectedly Margaret's said: I do not mind~ ~ ~ Yumi chan finally please this old lady back to the room to get some sleep ~

Older is not shameful, everyone must go through with and die! But I want to say in this example by Margaret's case show to me, I got some sense of fear when I get old, we do not have kids, we never know I'll go die first or Bobby san? If leaving by myself soon maybe needs to faced with the problem of dementia elderly also stubborn problems peculiar to the time..... how can I do? The only certainty is that I will never ever to make myself smelly!

Sun Yat-Sen: 「Provision is made for the aged till their death, the adults are given employment, and the young enabled to grow up. Widows and widowers, orphans, the old and childless as well as the sick and disabled are all well taken care of.」This should only exist utopian idea, right? Taiwan social welfare can't compared with European or other countries, Margaret have government welfare payments to take care with. But I still thank for Margaret's brings me some inspired, I want to buy more than one insurance Lol when I getting old at least have insurance can take care of me!


Oh, My Hans, he is come to me again...... 這位住在澳洲的英國老太太流著眼淚在跟我聊天時突然講到她先生來了......喔~我的天兒啊 (@~@)? 瑪格麗特 現年68歲英國人~母親生下她之後約五六歲時就拋下她搬到紐西蘭.....瑪格麗特從此被鄰居一位百歲的老奶奶養到16歲後來鄰居過世她輾轉到了孤兒院,接下來她成年後像吉普賽人般的流浪到了紐西蘭,我想瑪格麗特應該是想要尋找生母詢問她為什麼要丟下她不管?!接著又流浪到澳洲把身上僅有的機票錢換了之後買了一間房子?從此之後就在澳洲定居,有著一段婚姻但已經結束後來才與德國的先生同居...她也是獨自一個人完全沒有小孩但有著四隻貓咪陪伴著她......看著她歷盡風霜的臉龐與灰色黯淡而無光的眼眸,可以理解她受了許多人生的挑戰與磨練.....她....看起來不像68歲的感覺像八十歲的老婆婆!




當我看見瑪格莉特從她的布包拿出一堆雜亂無章的澳幣跟日幣,我開始拍額頭了.....喔! 我的天! 哪有人錢這樣亂放的呀! 看著她緩慢的數著日幣準備付房錢,我心裡想: 她是怎麼樣渡過這幾天的阿? 當她把雜亂無章的錢收進布包裡一邊抱怨日本銀行的澳幣兌換匯率很糟糕時,我發現還有一個小藥罐她沒收好,就順手拿給她問她說這是什麼藥品?因為瑪格莉特有失智的症狀我想要提醒她定時服藥,結果.......她用特有的緩慢的回答說: 這. 是. 我. 德. 國. 先. 生. 漢. 斯. 的. 骨. 灰. 罐...... (⊙ˍ⊙) 歐~我的天兒啊!!!!我只差沒把藥罐用丟的出去.....但我還是很鎮定的還給她.....當下我心想這下慘了!果然!我連續兩天爆睡怎樣都睡不飽 (。_。)  還一直做奇怪的夢 >< 高村先生也很擔心我的異狀,因為,從來我都是比他還早就起床,這兩天怎麼會是他起床了我還在昏睡.....

當她知道我有貓咪時,瞬間,她無神又疲憊的眼睛直接通電變的很有神~像個小孩一樣說:我可以看你的寶貝女兒嘛?我說當然可以,我把Isabella從房間抱出來時,瑪格麗特開心的像個小女孩直接就撲向莎小寶這裡親親那裡親親的,訝異的是,平時我那很難逗陣的寵貓竟然沒坑哈一聲的就讓陌生人撲向她了 Lol 我在想莎小寶一定是被瑪格麗特身上特殊的味道給震懾住了~接著我把瑪格麗特領去房間,倒了杯水給她後請這位老菩薩先去洗個澡,順便我幫她把身上穿了將近一個星期的衣服給丟進洗衣機裡面洗,她洗完澡連晚餐都沒有吃就昏沈沈的睡去了!可以想見她非常的疲累~我放了一塊肯德基雞塊在她房間裡,以免她起床肚子餓找不到東西吃。接下來我跟高村先生開始進行晚上的打烊整理工作,結束後,我們兩個在房間討論瑪格麗特這個案子!高村先生說:如果不是因為我戳了他幾下要他別把瑪格麗特打發走,他還真想就再轉介她到別的飯店。我說:每個人都會老都會有不方便的時候!更何況瑪格麗特已經疲累不堪了我實在不忍心就這樣打發她走!而且,只要把她整理乾淨就不會有事情了!但是!我想的太天真了~接下來請看我如何克服困難與這位硬脾氣與失智老人的溝通~

其實,瑪格麗特這趟來是幫她的德國伴侶漢斯先生完成遺願,將他的骨灰灑在大阪京都等地,因為第二次世界大戰開始時,漢斯先生是孤兒被一個日本家庭收養並訓練他武士道的精神,把他關在箱子裡24小時客服恐懼,而瑪格麗特這次來也想見見她的五十年前的日本筆友~因為戰爭與地震之後日本筆友完全斷了音訊,總之,就是跟日本很有緣份就是了。所以,當瑪格麗特在大阪京都等地撒完心愛人的骨灰之後,要去飯店住宿,但是因為她沒有預約的習慣,碰巧飯店又因為夏休旺季以及花火季節以致房間客滿,訂不到飯店在失望之餘返回火車站,不巧,又被警察上前詢問並用警車帶回警局盤問,結果,她隱約聽到警察說要直接把她送回去機場讓她返國,在日本的外國旅客若沒有住到飯店,又被警察臨檢時這樣的狀況是要被送回機場直接搭機回國所屬地,當瑪格麗特知道之後直接威脅警察說:如果送她到機場她直接死在警察面前 o_O || !真的是一個固執的老太太啊!



接下來的這幾天,說真的....她的狀況一直發生,有天她出門逛百元商店,結果,她又迷路了.....跑到警察局求助,結果警察跟她要了六次的護照,並詢問她住哪間飯店這時她頭腦靈光的說住我們這邊,把飯店網頁拿給警察看,警察打電話來飯店求證問我們是否有這位客人?!當我們說是的她是住在這邊的客人,警察就放瑪格麗特回來了 在這裡先說明完全沒有歧視老人的意思,但是,瑪格麗特除了輕微失智症之外還外帶了老人特有的『加齡臭』無論她每天洗澡身上還是有味道~後來,才知道她都吃生食,尤其喜歡吃生魚跟蔬菜...... 每次,當她從炎熱的外面走回來飯店大廳時客人都會走光....大多是沒辦法接受瑪格麗特身上的味道 ◎_◎ 傻眼

有一次,她從上野回來,結果,她從上野公園旁的阿美橫町買了冷凍鮭魚肉,準備要去上野公園餵貓,大熱天的即使冷凍的食物也很快的會融化變質,她就這樣在那邊提了一袋鮭魚肉在外面晃了一整天還生吃了四片 O口O! 超驚訝! 當她回到飯店時.....電動門打開時.....魚肉腐敗的腥臭味跟她身上的汗臭味加起來真的是極品的臭.....不用想!客人也都跑光了,我當下馬上跟瑪格麗特說:「那個魚肉已經腐敗了,不能在飯店烹煮也不能吃了~必須要處理掉!也就是丟掉!」瑪格麗特當下很生氣說為什麼我要這樣對她?我真的是不知道怎麼跟她解釋,我說:「不是每個人都能接受腥臭腐敗的魚腥味,妳這樣做只會打擾到我飯店的客人」我必須很誠實並且用嚴厲的口氣告知她這樣是不行的~她竟然還說要給我的莎小寶吃這些魚.....我馬上回說:「莎小寶今天吃生魚片吃很飽了!謝謝你的好意!」就這樣,我不顧她的抗議就把那袋臭鮭魚肉給用好幾層塑膠袋包起來丟倒垃圾堆裡了!

好不容易到了星期二早上她要退房準備出發前往機場,由美醬早上六點半上班時發現大廳的拉簾已經打開,瑪格莉特在裡面看報紙,到了九點多瑪格莉特突然跟由美醬說:「我好想睡覺~可以讓我在大廳躺下來睡嗎? 」由美醬一聽連忙說:「不行!不行!這樣其他客人看到會很介意!」沒想到馬格麗特說: 「我不介意阿」~~~由美醬最後還是請這位搞得她哭笑不得的老人回到房間去睡覺~


國父孫文的禮運大同篇說的老有所終(國民養老),鰥寡孤獨廢疾者皆有所養(醫療與收容) 這應該是只存在烏托邦的想法吧?台灣的社會福利沒有歐美國家健全,瑪格麗特是有澳洲政府的福利金照顧生活起居的~
但我還是謝謝瑪格麗特帶給我的啟發,回台灣保險我要多買一點Lol 老了沒人照顧我至少我有保險可以照顧!

2013年8月17日 星期六


最近有兩組丹麥客人入住,羅賓是其中一位, 他很客氣和善更重要的是他時常帶著笑臉~羅賓是在丹麥出生的華裔,我開玩笑的跟他說在丹麥一定很受歡迎, 他跟我說其實一點都不會~因為外國人女人都很高壯常常站在捷運車廂中他看不到其他的視野 Lol  羅賓說反而是亞洲女人在丹麥很受歡迎,像是泰國菲律賓印尼~

Recently, we had 2 groups from Denmark, Rubin is the one of then, He was very polite and more important is he smile a lot~ Robin is born in Denmark Original he is Chinese!
I'm joking around saids he must be very popular in Denmark because he is cute guy,
He told me not at all, because foreigners female are very High and strong, they didn't like asian man very much….. when he standing inside the subway, he can't see anything Lol
He said the Asian woman are very popular in Denmark, like Thai, Philippines and Indonesia ~

另一組丹麥客人是爺孫四口來日本旅遊, 當我跟 Yumi chan 在窗口接待他們的時候,其中的丹麥老太太對我們飯店的期望值太高,冰塊臉之外眼睛從不看人~總之不太和善!最後,丹麥老太太在付錢的時候問了一句:早餐什麼時候開始?........我內心的OS:what? 我真的很想笑出聲音來~立馬我跟她說:我們沒有提供早餐的服務,要吃早餐請到7-11買!同事很驚恐又佩服的看著我直接回掉客人這好笑的問題!我想這位丹麥老太太是出發前沒有做功課吧?把我們當成五星級飯店有早餐吃到飽的嘛?領著他們導覽飯店的設施說明了一遍之後,我微笑的詢問還有任何問題嗎?就請這一組丹麥爺孫上樓去休息了。

There is another group from Denmark too, is the old couple with theirs granddaughter to travel around in Japan, I was at hotel counter with Yumi chan to welcome them, when the every thing all set, then, the Danish Grandma maybe have high expectations of our hotel she has a ice face and don't look at your eyes, anyway she was not friendly at all…. Finally, the Danish Grandma when she about to pay for the money then asked: What time is for the Breakfast?…… hmmmmmm? inside my heart OS: what? I really want laughing now but I couldn't~ well, I told her immediately: we do not provide breakfast service, if you like to have some breakfast please go to 7-11 just around the corner! ...... Yumi chan was very frightened and admire my colleagues looked at me that I am straight back out this funny question! I think this Grandma is not doing theirs homework before! she probably think we are some kind star hotel and we have all you can eat breakfast that kind service? anyway, after I led them to show how to use this hotel environment, I smile ask them do they have any questions? then i please this group go upstairs for some rest.

不久,丹麥爺爺跟孫女跑到樓下來說:房間沒有大浴巾......我說:本飯店沒有提供大浴巾的服務,但可以租用一條一百日幣用到退房為止!結果,那丹麥爺爺說:蛤?還要給錢?我說:當然要給清潔費用阿!最後還是拿了三條上去房間,但是丹麥爺爺又跑下來使用電腦......使用IE開Gmail有問題...當然有問題阿!因為他的丹麥文顯示的關係好像要下載一個什麼plug 後來,看到丹麥爺爺很沮喪的座在大廳電腦前,我忍不住過去教他用火狐使用Gmail,結果可以使用了~但因為code的關係,有些排列不太順暢,我又教了一遍給丹麥爺爺看,後來gmail成功送出,他真是太感謝了我們了.......那麼先進與快樂的國家難道只有教IE嗎?這是我的疑問之一…

Soon, the grandpa with granddaughter went downstairs said: the room have no towels….. I said: well, our hotel does not provide bath towel service, but if you need it you can rented to use until you check out and each on towel we charge for one hundred yen! the grandpa said: uhhh? we need to pay for it? I said: Of course, thats for cleaning fee! they took three towel back to rooms, but again, the grandpa downstairs to using the computer….. to use IE to open his Gmail had some problems…. of course there are problems! Because the Danish seems need to be download a plug to read it, the grandfather are very frustrating to see this what happened to him, I can't help try to help him, to open the Firefox to open he's Gmail, and later he can successfully to use gmail, he was so grateful to me…..I kinda wandering is about in this advanced and happiness countries they only us IE? This is one of my questions…..


Probably because for this happened, this old grandpa back to room told he's wife to said we are nice to them. The next day, the grandma ready to go out some place then talk to Bobby san: the mattress is to thin and get my back pain…. Bobby san said he'll fix this Problem soon when she's get back….. I puckered my mouth to said: why so nice to them? Bobby san said: because they are our guest ! Today, this grandma talk to bobby san said: Oh~ You are saved my life! in the end Bobby san do add one more mattress for her….. then, bobby san took them to get the taxi….. Bobby san so kindness!


Actually, I do not have the different service attitude to treat people, no matter which country or race for me it's all same, but it depends customers do feedback me what kinda attitude! This Danish grandma attitude was really bad in the beginning, with the kind of arrogant attitude we knew so well~ ah…….suddenly feels like some kind of unpleasant coming back again....... so, I had a bad impression with this Danish grandma, anyway~ everything Bobby san take good care with them, that's my cute Bobby san, ne!