
2015年8月24日 星期一


 / 中文敘述
our one guests from Germany to learn Aikido in Japan, his really super high-class guests who staying this hotel for 9 nights, did not affect us or bother us too much, only problem is that he took his Aikido clothes to asking me how to remove the staining, so I use the bleach to solve this problem, only take about 10 minutes, yesterday he was check out, when I'm ready to clean his room then..... wow, how surprised I have never been XDDD his such a angel~~
he's took out all the sheets pillow cases and blanket cover neatly folded over, on the tatami also could not find any garbage, the room spotless ..... wooow this is so touching!! well I also showing to him about "Taiwan qigong" at some moment, I'm really feel sorry for that XDDD Bobby-san and I had some argument about the work..... so I got so pissed off slamming the door XDDD and this Germany guests just saw it LOL well, next time I will try my best not to showing tooo much in front of the guests about my "Taiwan qigong" XDDDDD
at this busy season this is really help me a lot~ LOL
床單被套枕套都拆下,被子也摺疊超整齊,塌塌米也是找不到垃圾,房間一塵不染的.....怎麼有這麼好的客人啊? 真讓人內牛滿面,想到我也在他面前展現一部分台灣氣功的當下,真的是不好意思 XDDD 剛好我正在跟高村蘿蔔特為了工作的部分有爭執,氣到我甩門而出 XDDD




Busy season effect continued to burn my body fat XDDD especially my third floor co-worker Ban-san she need back to Beijing for 25 days...... I'm start from the 11th take care this replacement so far, I had imagined when I cleaning to use the vacuum cleaner then it's like all $$$ going to the vacuum cleaner LOL I'm very Positive thinking within my head isn't? XDDDD but I'm not young anymore, every day of this labor work after go to sleep at night time sounds like the thunder wouldn't wake me up XDDD had some dreams but I can't remember what i'm dreaming ..... Bobby-san said one night I'm actually said some thing in English were when I'm sleep LOL hope I'm not call someone else name in my dreams XDDD
旺季效應持續燃燒我的脂肪 XDDD 尤其是三樓的阿姨班桑回北京25天的時間......我從11號開始代班至今,每天打掃時我都想像吸塵器吸進去的都是$$$ LOL 非常的正向思考能量充滿著我的腦袋,可年紀畢竟真的有了,每一天的勞動下來睡覺是雷打不醒 XDDD 倒是作夢都不記得夢啥了.....有一天高村說我竟然用英文說夢話 LOL 嚇得我渾身冷汗還好不是喊其他人的名 XDDD
說一個笑話好了~是我夢到的喔 LOL
有一位台灣客人曾經到過中東生活過兩年,所以,也在那邊體驗了當地的生活文化,當我聽到他描述一些異國文化的不同時,總是聽得津津有味,他說周遭穆斯林朋友都是用右手抓飯吃,在一次用餐時穆斯林跟台灣客人互相調侃耶愉說中國人用筷子吃飯沒文化怎樣的.....結果有一次,這位台灣客人跟另一個中國朋友約好說要煮飯給穆斯林朋友吃,菜色是:火鍋!! 聽了我笑噴了.... T0T 火鍋很燙ㄟ......這個傢伙好壞啊啊~結果,那位穆斯林友人說....可以給我叉子嗎??? LOL