
2014年10月31日 星期五

伊朗國王/The Persia of King


他入住時早班的塔卡西就有提示了這個客人有著一點點小麻煩,一開始我不太清楚塔卡西說的"麻煩"是什麼?後來經過幾天的觀察之後我已經了解他的意思了!! 塔卡西說他是經過成田機場的遊客中心打電話預約房間的,但是,通常旅遊中心會將客人的資訊再次的用傳真與我方確認,可是,這次我們並沒有收到成田機場旅遊中心的預約傳真,沒多久後,這位"伊朗國王"親自駕到,而奇怪的是竟然沒有隨從....痾,不是,竟然沒有帶"任何"的行李喔! 我們是非常非常少遇上完全沒帶行李的客人,除非是航空公司弄丟或著延遲,通常,我是只通常的狀況下,一定,肯定,絕對會帶一些個人的隨身行李吧?! 即便是難民逃難,也有帶ㄧ箱或一袋小行李隨身的,但這位臉很臭的國王竟然沒帶任何衣物????!!!!這點很讓我抱持著高度懷疑他不是在伊朗或瑞典殺人倉皇逃出國再不然就是真的很~隨興的人生觀走到哪買到哪.....通常這樣的人真的很少見.....ANYWAY塔卡西順便提醒我們一下說這個客人講話很"直爽"非常沒有禮貌。

經過我們一兩天的觀察,其實,發現他幾乎都在房間不出門也很不愛跟其他客人交流也從來不會打招呼就是一臉臭大便,菸癮犯了就出來抽菸再不然就是到冰箱喝牛奶(他簡直就像奶牛一樣猛灌牛奶)偶爾他會問ㄧ些商店在哪裏的問題,結果,有一次他路不熟竟然回來指責高村桑說提供錯誤的訊息,嘿,這位國王沒有隨從就變路癡了嗎?自己走錯路回來還指責別人真的是圈叉了! 這是第一次我對他的印象不好,伊朗國王雖然臭臉歸臭臉但也沒影響到其他客人就好,不過,他的體味真的是超臭的!八天都同一套衣服沒洗澡也沒換衣服又抽菸有煙臭味,只要他一出來凡經過就必留體臭味 XDDDDD

有一次,田中先生在大廳跟我們開始聊天砍大山的時候,國王剛好也坐在餐桌上用餐,我們聊到如何做好喝的冰紅茶的時候,田中先生為了要表示有善問了國王說您是哪裡人,結果,我多嘴回說他是伊朗人,其實應該沒有人會很介意說自己是從哪裡來吧?我沒腦的馬上幫他回答XDDDDD 沒想到這讓國王開始悶悶不樂了閉嘴不回答田中先生的問題! 後來田中先生又問說:請問伊朗有產茶嗎? 又沒想到國王用餐完畢後起身轉頭用非常驕傲的語氣回了田中先生:誰告訴你我是伊朗來的?我的國籍是瑞典!!! XDDDD 噗哈哈~我笑了出來,怎麼有這樣好笑的人啊? 背祖忘宗的事情我做不來,國籍是瑞典也沒有什麼好驕傲的啊? 這樣的態度反而會讓人把你看低了,不論你國王的鼻子是否長在頭頂上看人 XDDDD 田中先生心臟很強的說:沒關係我習慣了,只是想藉此拉近距離罷了! 這種人不用拉近距離啦因為他可是對他的瑞典護照很驕傲喔 XDDDD

接下來,我為了要讓新加坡的難民吃飽一點,所以,我在大廳煮了火鍋招待田中先生跟那位瘦的快去打鼓的難民XDDDDD 當大家開心的用餐時,此時,國王駕到了,兩張桌子除了我們這邊坐滿了之外,另外一張大桌還有一個位置,他正在微波自己的晚餐時眼睛直勾勾的瞪著大家,當微波結束的聲音"噹"ㄧ聲的響起後,他的手勢竟然攤開來揮手示意要我們大家滾蛋??我們大家很有默契裝做沒看到不鳥他,還有一個位置是他自己不開口而要我們全體消失?怎麼可能啊? 我知道他有人群障礙的問題,通常的狀況下我是會起身讓客人入座的,但是,好奇怪喔我的屁股就是黏住在椅子上不起來捏,伶祖馬我就是要讓他自己開口跟人要位置!!! 結果,國王心不甘情不願的坐在一個白人的旁邊,臭臉吃他自己的晚餐 LOL

最後一次,就在昨天晚上,讓我不得不去糾正他說話的態度,起因是這樣的,昨晚,他到櫃檯來跟高村桑說他想去醫院,因為他的手肘疼痛,他去了藥局要買醫囑用藥,但藥局的人沒有處方簽不可能賣給他,於是,他只好折回來跟高村桑"指示"他必須要看醫生要高村桑打電話給大使館,我正好在大廳電腦桌前面回答臉書客人的問題,我越聽國王驕傲無理的口氣我肚子的火就快升起來,隨後,國王先去房間放東西再折返時,高村桑有ㄧ些問題要先對國王說明時,例如外國人沒保險看診會費用會很貴等等之類的時,國王竟然說:你電話還沒幫我打啊? 就這樣打斷了高村桑的解說,而脾性好的高村桑按照國王的指示打去了瑞典大使館準備說明狀況時,當大使館的人說要去醫院照X光片子嗎? 結果,國王的口氣超~級不禮貌的回說:不用照片子照什麼片子,我要看醫生!!! ..........  槓你個祖馬卡好了真他奶奶的熊了,我們好意的幫你打電話連絡外館的人,你真的把我們的服務當狗屁嗎? 雖然我們知道你的人個特質就是鼻子長在頭頂上瞧不起所有人,但是,至少你的態度與口氣要好一點當你需要幫助時,保持風度與禮貌是一件非常重要的事!

接著,我出手了~ 我雖然心裏很火,但也是要按下來換一種好言好語的口氣跟國王說:Sir, 我們是在幫你解決問題,請你的態度與口氣可不可以好一點? 我們雖然是服務業但也是要被受到尊重! 結果,國王聽了馬上說:什麼?什麼口氣與態度?你在講什麼鬼話? 高村桑ㄧ看到這個狀況馬上接著就說: 她講的沒錯,你確實有態度上的問題,並且我們有客人抱怨你在房間抽菸,很抱歉,我們不能讓你繼續待在飯店裏,你必須要去找另外一個可以讓你覺得舒適的飯店! 很抱歉我們無法繼續對你服務了~  接著,國王就出去找飯店了,當他回來拿他"物品"的時後竟然還賞我ㄧ記衛生眼,我盡量憋著不笑出來.......看到國王提著兩袋塑膠袋簡單的就辦理退房手續了........

此時,換高村桑對我生氣了,他氣我不應該出手管這件事,因為,他可以應付這樣的客人,他見過更多更糟糕更賤的客人,他覺得我們不應該讓他離開,我們應該要保持服務業的精神,我只能一直向高村桑道歉但是最後我也提到兩個重點,我說:第一今天就是因為你是我先生身為太太的我看到自己的另一半被人欺負怎麼可能不出手介入,我沒看到就算了,被我看到我沒辦法不管啊? 第二 那個國王有在房間抽菸而且有其他客人反映,本來就應該讓他退房的,像這樣的客人只會損毀房間的壁紙,每次都要換新壁紙那些都要成本啊!! 高村桑一聽了之後火氣也慢慢的消下來,但還是愛碎念我不該插手管這檔事的......

以後,我若再管飯店的事情,把我眼睛挖掉好了~眼不見為淨! 口亨!

This "Origin" guests is from Iran, he has the special characteristics of his personality, make me kinda impressed too, he’s try to make people who ever to think he is a nobility, this is what my personal purely experience had a little battle with him, I don’t have any racial discrimination in here, if you are Iranians Please do not take this soooo personal ~

When he check-in in the early morning Takashi had prompted a little bit of trouble about this guests, at the beginning I don’t know what Takashi say about " trouble" is ? Later, in a few days of my observation , I think got the point what Takashi said about !!Thakashi said this Iran guests was through to the Narita Airport visitor Center to make a reservation for him, but usually the travel center will confirm again about the all  information by fax through with us, but this time we didn’t receive the fax about he’s info, soon, the " The Persia of King " personally arrival here, but the strange thing is there is not even entourage.... oh, the Persia of King not even with "any" baggage! This is are very, very unusual case, unless the airline lost or significantly delayed, usually, under the this conditions, certainly, definitely, definitely the guests will carry with some personal baggage, right? ! even the refugees, there will have a box or bag or small luggage to carry on, but this king even not bring his any clothes????!!!! this is let me have a high suspicion of him that he was to kill some one in Sweden or Iran otherwiseWhy he’s so panic out fo his country without any thing?/? ~ if not, he must be a casual person didn’t care where he to go or to buy anything..... but this are really rare people can do..... ANYWAY Takashi to remind us about this guests the way of he talks was very very rude!!!!

After for a few days of observation, in fact, his stay in he’ room mostly all the time not like to talk with other guests never greet to anyone when he’s walked in the hotel,he’s face always looks anger, some times when he come out of the romm for smoking or come to refrigerator and drink a lot’s of milk ( I mean really a lot!!) and some thims he would asked about some shops direction and how to get there those questions, once he turned back to complain with Bobby San said gave to him wrong InformationThen to make him got lost, hey , you have any problem? It’s you got that wrong way how can you to censure this is our fault? ! that’s so ridiculous, this is the first time I have a bad impression of this Persia King, although he always looks so anger face but he did not affect to other guests anyway, but he's super smelly! eight days his are wearing the same set of clothes not change at all, with he’s smoke smell, oh, my GOD! XDDDDD

Once, Tanaka san started chatting with us in the lobby, the king just sitting at the table to have a dining, when we talked about how to make a delicious ice Tea then, Tanaka san try to show his friendly so to asked the king : were are you from? I’m without think to speak out said: oh, he’s Iranians, in fact, no one would really mind that where are you from, right? anyway I should not immediately answered back XDDDDD I did not expect this answer will to make the king not feel happy about that, after, Tanaka san asked another questions again: well, the Iran have good tea?? soon the King finished up meal with a very proud tone turned back hade to said to Tanaka san : who told you I’m from Iran??  to me my nationality is Swedish !!! XDDDD Poohahha ha ha ~ I laugh so loud, what a such funny people ah? I can’t forget the things is were I’m from were I’m belong, so, your nationality is Sweden really it’s not big deal no need to be so proud of that ok? this attitude instead people will look down on you, whether your nose was grow on the top of your head, XDDDD Tanaka san have a strong heart to said: It does not matter, I’m used to it. Well, my point of view is there is not necessary try to be closer those arrogant people, the kind so proud of his Swedish passport ne XDDDD

Next, I want to cook for the Singapore refugee, so I cook a hotpot in the lobby to Invited Tanaka san and skinny Singapore refugee too, when everybody was happy to enjoy the meal, then, the king was arrival too, the two tables was almost filled but still one set open, when he’s using microwave to heat it up he’s dinner, then his eyes peering staring at everybody, when the microwave end voice coming, after his gestures waved to shows like everyday need to move?? we all ignored him, there still one set open and he want everybody go away?? I know he has the social obstacleproblems, in normal situation, I would get up to let guests have a seat, but oh so strange my butt in the chair seems like don’t want to moved! I just want to see him to open his own mouth to asked for a seat!!! so, the king reluctantly sitting next to a white man, the F*** face to show’s him not happily to eat his own dinner LOL

Ok, in The last time, just last night, so I had to correct his manner of speaking, last night, he went to the counter and told Bobby san said he wanted to go the hospital because his elbow pain, he went to the Drugstore try  to buy prescription drugs, but people without prescription paper then no one impossible can sell him, so he had to come back talk with Bobby san " indication" that he must see a doctor need to call the Swedish embassy, I was in the lobby in front of the computer desk to answer guests' questions on my face book, the more I listen then more I got fire soon is rise up because the King voice of the tone what he’s talked is so cocky, after, the king went to he’s room to put things and then when him turn back, Bobby san has some questions need to explanationTo him, for example, when foreigners go to hospital if no insurance it will be cost a lot of money will be so expensive, then the king interrupt Bobby san explanation and to say : You do not help me to make a phone call yet????  The good temperament Bobby san ready to call the Swedish embassy explained the kind situation, when the embassy said to go to the hospital for X- ray?, then the king used the super impolite voice tone talk back to said: What X- ray I DO NOT NEED THAT, I I NEED To SEE A DOCTOR!!!!!! .......... ^&%^&$%$%&~ Our good intentions to help you to call the contact person the embassy, you really treat our services like this shit? Although we do know you are despise everyone, but at least your attitude and voice tone could be a little better when you need help, maintain grace and politeness it’s a very important thing !

Here we go!! It’s my turn now, through there had big fire in my chest, but I need to be transform my anger to be more calm voice tone said to the king: Sir, we are trying to help you resolve the problems, But your attitude and voice tone Can be litter better? we need some respected although we are in the service Industry, then the king said: what the tone and attitude of what you are talking about? This is nonsense!!! Bobby san see this situation immediately to said: she’s right, you do have a problem of attitude, and we have a guests do complain about your smoking in the room, I'm sorry, we can not let you to stay here, you have to find another one can make you feel comfortable hotel ! we are sorry we can’t continue to gave you the serve ~ then the king went out to find a hotel, when he came back to take his "bags" he stare at me big tome, I try not to laugh too.......then he just to check out!

At this point, Bobby san got angry at me 0.0 I should to take care this business, because he can cope with such guests, he saw more and more the worse one, Bobby san felt that we should not let King to leave, we should maintain the spirit of service, so, I can only have keep to apologize to Bobby san, I said to him about two points I need to be stand for it, I said: first because you are my husband my important family as you wife how can I not stand out to help you, just to see some one ca very rude to you, if I did not see it I don’t even to care about it! sorry I intervene, second, the king had smoked in the room and there are other guests do complain, we supposed to let him check out , like this kind guests only to destroyed the room wallpaper, every time when this happened some one who smok in the room the hotel need to renew the wallpaper that should cost a lot!! Bobby san he’s anger slowly disappear, but still I should not take care this business.

The lost, if I do mind the hotel business, better to dig my eyesballout!!uhmmm