今天面試完畢日本語言課程之後,我們騎著腳踏車繞了一下上野公園,看到了一些新奇的東西.....嘿嘿嘿~成人電影院!(⊙ˍ⊙) 竟然在上野公園旁邊喔!拍了幾張照片以資留念~接著又玩了幾隻小貓咪....應該是說肥肥的浪貓,嗯~明天上課應該可以帶貓糧來餵食(= ̄ω ̄=)
After the interview Japanese language courses, we took bicycled around the Ueno Park, I DO saw some new things ..... hey hey hey….. adult cinema! (⊙ˍ⊙) just near by Ueno Park! just took few pictures~ also to play a few cat .... the fat stray cats ~ think after class tmw should be able to feed them (= ̄ω ̄=)
等著電影開始的歐吉桑~中午等不及就來排隊 |
時間表~請注意有學生票喔! ㄟ限制級的內 |
女優的介紹 有露點喔 什麼都可以看光光 >< |
上野公園的野良貓很親人 |
上野公園的野良貓很親人一叫就過來 |
上野公園的野良貓很親人- 這隻就害羞了點但也是很可愛 |
就在東愰愰西愰愰的準備回家時,高村先生突然往一個斜坡往上騎,我看了臉上三條線Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ 一邊碎碎唸一邊劈啪喘的推著腳踏車往上爬,好不容易到了斜坡終點休息一下,ㄟ!! 一陣空靈優美的音樂從前方不遠處傳來,我們循著音樂聲前進,啊~~~啊~~~啊~~是我喜歡的排笛!<( ̄︶ ̄)> 我聽著聽著身體不自覺的舞動起來,我竟然在上野公園內跳舞內 Lol 超愛這音樂~
we just wandering around in the park ready go back home then, Bobby san suddenly got to a ramp-up ride, my face seems like "WTF" (° △ ° | | |) ︴ with my crackling breath push the bike got up to, finally I can got some rest in the end, yo! ! have one very beautiful muisc flying my ear, we follow the music forward, ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ its the Pan Flute! <(¯) ¯)> I listened and my body can't help to moving and dancing at Ueno Park Lol …. I'm super in love with this beautiful music ~
接著他的經紀人?!跑來跟我們聊天說他們在六月中旬有一場表演邀請我們去!我馬上說好~高村先生看我扭的太開心他也很開心!很棒的現場演奏耶!這位荷西先生未來將會是我的老師~我在台灣時就想學了!想不到在這裡讓我遇上~這位老師也有授課價錢我覺得很合理,而且最重要的是老師自己會做排笛喔!上帝真的是聽到我的禱告,讓我有多元化的學習!感謝祢!我親愛的主耶穌 v( ̄︶ ̄)y YA~
Then this Mr Pan Flute his agent? ! Came to chat with us! to show me the flyer they invited us to go the concert in the mid of June, very need by our hotel, I immediately said ok! it was a great live music to play yeah! The karumanta Mr.Jose williams will be my teacher soon~ I wanted to learn before when I was in Taiwan! Think God to help me to met the teacher here, the teaching fee it's very reasonable price, and most importantly, the teacher he can make the Pan Flute too, Oh! God really to hear my prayers, do let me have a wide range of learning! Thank You! My dear Lord v (¯) ¯) y Ya ~~
附註:吹奏管樂器真的要很有力~丹田要很夠力.....我的丹田只剩油 ><