
2013年5月9日 星期四


今天,早上起床準備去台東區役所面試我的日文課時。。。竟然,流鼻血一大沱。。。可能昨晚吃太多牛蒡天婦羅了! ~ 去面試時,有各國人士德國,菲律賓,印尼,中國,香港,希臘,台灣。。。。對的,希臘人是在我們飯店的可愛客人唷!:-) 中國小姐有點不太友善,想必是不想交朋友吧! 也許,我太好奇了,以年齡來看我應該是最老的一個的!

This morning ready go for interview with taito-ku city hall need take the Japanese class then, suddenly my nose got bleeding a lot! Maybe last night i eat too much burdock tempura ⊙△⊙
To interview, many people from different countries, Germany, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Greece, Taiwan. . . . yep! the Greeks is our lovely guests ne! :-) the Miss China are not very friendly and didn't like to talk all, maybe she was not in the good mood today! or I was too curious everything la, for the age…… think I should be the oldest one! Lol

今天,高村先生又把我弄丟o_o" 還好,我大概知道哪一棟建築是區役所!到了停車的地方我劈哩啪啦就狂飆,人弄丟了都不知道回來找,高村先生嫌我騎車慢,我說前面有人擋住我怎麼快?他騎車只知道一直往前也不看一下後面!!!我的臉氣的像河豚一樣漲起來。。。。他大概還是比較適合單身吧。。。倒


Today, Bobby san didn't know I'm missing again! yeah, that's right! I got lost again o_o luckily, I know which building is the office where is it! when I got to parking place my sounds anger to said to Bobby san, he didn't realize somebady are missing, Bobby san just picky me riding too slow!!!!! I told him have some one do block in my way how could I to be so fast??? and you don't even look back!!! my face got pop up like a puffer/ふぐ …… think Bobby san probably more suitable for single life…… *sigh*

anyway~ Looking forward to tomorrow's course

