
2013年3月16日 星期六

coco....I miss you

when I know my little birdie coco's she passing a message through my Facebook friend!!! I got big shock!!! coco she told my friend saids she miss me and isa, she enjoy the time what we had before, she love me and isa so much T_T I cry so hard, coco's so adorable when I have her back them, just one day I got some crazy to think about bird need to be freedom, I asked her did she want to fly in the sky? if she love to be with me and isa then stay, eventually, she fly in the sky and never come back to me.....i do feel bad for this point..... when she told my FB friend she forget the way back home, but she don't want me to feel sad, coco said she came this world is to learn LOVE! and thanks me to loving her so much. T-T i cry again, oh, coco chan mummy miss you so much T-T

今天晚上一段的神奇對話讓我的心顫抖不已~以為這才只有在動物星球頻道的寵物溝通師發生!!!但這卻在我身上體現了~ holy crap!!當我在一位臉書朋友上面留言她不一會就密我說:coco是不是綠色的身體? 我還在沙發用平板很慵懶的回說是綠色 頭髮是番茄紅~她說 coco 顯示畫面給她並傳遞了一些訊息給她,齁!當下我馬上心臟發抖蹦蹦跳~臉友來跟我求證,我說~她所講的內容很符合我們家coco醬~臉友說coco很想念與我們在一起的時光~她也很愛我們!當我聽到時眼淚掉下來~我很自責的跟臉友說,當時如果不是很瘋狂的想法發生,因為我想鳥很愛自由她們需要在天空中自在飛翔,我對coco說想在天空飛翔嗎?還是想跟我還有莎小寶一起?最後coco還是飛走了!coco跟臉友說她很勇敢,有克服很多困難,他說不是他不回去,是忘了路!聽了我好心酸~我不應該放她走的!我是個粗心大意的笨媽媽主人 coco對我的臉友說:他很謝謝你那麼的愛他,讓他學會了『愛』這件事,這對他很重要,沒有多陪你,她有點內疚,他不要你難過他想再一次跟你和莎小寶說一次 他很愛你們…聽了我又哭了~T_Tcoco對臉友說她現在一切都很好~要我不要擔心!臉友感應到coco感覺他沒有再來地球了…沒有在這世..

啊啊~我到現在內心還是起伏好大!我好想念coco T-T 最後coco顯示畫面給臉友說要注意莎小寶愛咬咬的毛病~莎小寶真的愛咬咬愛咬塑膠袋代表她老大要吃飯!總之要我注意就是