
2013年8月17日 星期六


最近有兩組丹麥客人入住,羅賓是其中一位, 他很客氣和善更重要的是他時常帶著笑臉~羅賓是在丹麥出生的華裔,我開玩笑的跟他說在丹麥一定很受歡迎, 他跟我說其實一點都不會~因為外國人女人都很高壯常常站在捷運車廂中他看不到其他的視野 Lol  羅賓說反而是亞洲女人在丹麥很受歡迎,像是泰國菲律賓印尼~

Recently, we had 2 groups from Denmark, Rubin is the one of then, He was very polite and more important is he smile a lot~ Robin is born in Denmark Original he is Chinese!
I'm joking around saids he must be very popular in Denmark because he is cute guy,
He told me not at all, because foreigners female are very High and strong, they didn't like asian man very much….. when he standing inside the subway, he can't see anything Lol
He said the Asian woman are very popular in Denmark, like Thai, Philippines and Indonesia ~

另一組丹麥客人是爺孫四口來日本旅遊, 當我跟 Yumi chan 在窗口接待他們的時候,其中的丹麥老太太對我們飯店的期望值太高,冰塊臉之外眼睛從不看人~總之不太和善!最後,丹麥老太太在付錢的時候問了一句:早餐什麼時候開始?........我內心的OS:what? 我真的很想笑出聲音來~立馬我跟她說:我們沒有提供早餐的服務,要吃早餐請到7-11買!同事很驚恐又佩服的看著我直接回掉客人這好笑的問題!我想這位丹麥老太太是出發前沒有做功課吧?把我們當成五星級飯店有早餐吃到飽的嘛?領著他們導覽飯店的設施說明了一遍之後,我微笑的詢問還有任何問題嗎?就請這一組丹麥爺孫上樓去休息了。

There is another group from Denmark too, is the old couple with theirs granddaughter to travel around in Japan, I was at hotel counter with Yumi chan to welcome them, when the every thing all set, then, the Danish Grandma maybe have high expectations of our hotel she has a ice face and don't look at your eyes, anyway she was not friendly at all…. Finally, the Danish Grandma when she about to pay for the money then asked: What time is for the Breakfast?…… hmmmmmm? inside my heart OS: what? I really want laughing now but I couldn't~ well, I told her immediately: we do not provide breakfast service, if you like to have some breakfast please go to 7-11 just around the corner! ...... Yumi chan was very frightened and admire my colleagues looked at me that I am straight back out this funny question! I think this Grandma is not doing theirs homework before! she probably think we are some kind star hotel and we have all you can eat breakfast that kind service? anyway, after I led them to show how to use this hotel environment, I smile ask them do they have any questions? then i please this group go upstairs for some rest.

不久,丹麥爺爺跟孫女跑到樓下來說:房間沒有大浴巾......我說:本飯店沒有提供大浴巾的服務,但可以租用一條一百日幣用到退房為止!結果,那丹麥爺爺說:蛤?還要給錢?我說:當然要給清潔費用阿!最後還是拿了三條上去房間,但是丹麥爺爺又跑下來使用電腦......使用IE開Gmail有問題...當然有問題阿!因為他的丹麥文顯示的關係好像要下載一個什麼plug 後來,看到丹麥爺爺很沮喪的座在大廳電腦前,我忍不住過去教他用火狐使用Gmail,結果可以使用了~但因為code的關係,有些排列不太順暢,我又教了一遍給丹麥爺爺看,後來gmail成功送出,他真是太感謝了我們了.......那麼先進與快樂的國家難道只有教IE嗎?這是我的疑問之一…

Soon, the grandpa with granddaughter went downstairs said: the room have no towels….. I said: well, our hotel does not provide bath towel service, but if you need it you can rented to use until you check out and each on towel we charge for one hundred yen! the grandpa said: uhhh? we need to pay for it? I said: Of course, thats for cleaning fee! they took three towel back to rooms, but again, the grandpa downstairs to using the computer….. to use IE to open his Gmail had some problems…. of course there are problems! Because the Danish seems need to be download a plug to read it, the grandfather are very frustrating to see this what happened to him, I can't help try to help him, to open the Firefox to open he's Gmail, and later he can successfully to use gmail, he was so grateful to me…..I kinda wandering is about in this advanced and happiness countries they only us IE? This is one of my questions…..


Probably because for this happened, this old grandpa back to room told he's wife to said we are nice to them. The next day, the grandma ready to go out some place then talk to Bobby san: the mattress is to thin and get my back pain…. Bobby san said he'll fix this Problem soon when she's get back….. I puckered my mouth to said: why so nice to them? Bobby san said: because they are our guest ! Today, this grandma talk to bobby san said: Oh~ You are saved my life! in the end Bobby san do add one more mattress for her….. then, bobby san took them to get the taxi….. Bobby san so kindness!


Actually, I do not have the different service attitude to treat people, no matter which country or race for me it's all same, but it depends customers do feedback me what kinda attitude! This Danish grandma attitude was really bad in the beginning, with the kind of arrogant attitude we knew so well~ ah…….suddenly feels like some kind of unpleasant coming back again....... so, I had a bad impression with this Danish grandma, anyway~ everything Bobby san take good care with them, that's my cute Bobby san, ne!